Use our database for informational purposes only to search millions of registered and applied-for trademarks.
Use our database for informational purposes only to search millions of registered and applied-for trademarks.
File your trademark application in four simple steps. Answer a few questions, and we’ll prepare your official application. Once completed and reviewed for accuracy, we’ll transmit the application to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (the “Trademark Office”).
File Statement of Use (SOU) (sometimes referred to as Allegation of Use). We make the process quick and easy.
Is someone using your mark, or a mark virtually identical to yours, for similar goods or services? If so, they may be infringing your trademark. Find out the options available to you to make them stop, which may include you receiving compensation.
You must renew your trademark registration every five years during the first ten years of registration to avoid abandonment, and then every ten years after that. We guide you through the process step-by-step to help you avoid costly mistakes.
Not able to meet a deadline? No worries, we’ve got you covered. Request an extension.
Use our service to monitor the status of any mark. We’ll provide you with detailed information about the mark, including the name of the owner and contact details.
The user-friendly trademark registration service. Use brandme to apply to register trademarks, file extensions, submit specimens of use, and renew registered trademarks, in addition to other services. We streamline the application process for easier data entry and leverage artificial intelligence technology and our proprietary database to effectively respond to Office Actions. We do away with the jargon and simplify complex information into layman’s terms, making it easier to understand and ensuring confidence in the application’s success and speed.
Brandme provides you access to expert trademark attorneys who will guide you through the application, Office Action response, maintenance, and enforcement process step-by-step. In the past, if you wanted to register a trademark, you had to find and meet with an attorney in person, who would only be available at select times, and engage in time-consuming back-and-forth discussions. Not with brandme.
It doesn’t matter if you live in Montana, NYC, or Japan. We’re right here at your fingertips, 24/7. We will ensure that you stay informed of all relevant deadlines, are made aware of your rights and responsibilities, and are in the best position to receive and maintain a federally registered trademark from the Trademark Office.*
Business owners add value to their company by having a registered trademark. US and foreign-based applicants use brandme to apply to register a US to protect their investments.
* As used throughout this website, including all referenced attachments, the Trademark Office means the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
**The median cost to have a US attorney prepare and file an in-use trademark application for one mark in one class is $1125 ($775 attorney fee + $350 USPTO fee) according to the 2019 USPTO Report here “Full Report“. But with brandme, you will only pay $850 (or $750 if you apply the one-time $100 discount for new users) to file an in-use application for one mark in one class, which includes the $350 charged by the USPTO. That’s a savings of 50% ($1125 vs. $750).
The brands above are displayed for informational purposes only. They are neither affiliated with nor customers of brandme.
Brandme is an all-in-one platform that lets you apply to register trademarks and maintain trademark registrations. Brandme offers expert trademark attorneys who will guide you through the application or renewal process step-by-step. This service is ideal for small business owners, entrepreneurs and foreign applicants who are required by law to use American attorneys to file trademark applications and maintain U.S. trademark registrations.
Content provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not legal advice. No attorney-client relationship will be formed or legal advice provided until full payment is made at the checkout screen.
View questions to see what you need to do
A trademark is a word, symbol, phrase, sound, or combination of these elements used to identify goods or services. A registered trademark gives its owners exclusive rights to use the mark to identify the products or services it produces.
A trademark is needed to protect a brand to ensure that others are not infringing the mark or diluting its strength. And if someone else uses the same or substantially similar trademark to identify the same or similar goods or services, the trademark owner can file a trademark infringement claim and recover damages (money) due to the infringer’s unauthorized use of the registered trademark.