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Now that I have filed my trademark application, how long does it take to register?

  • Now that I have filed my trademark application, how long does it take to register?

    Filing a trademark application does not mean that your trademark is immediately registered or will register at all. The normal process for registration can take approximately 7 to 14 months, and sometimes even several years, depending on any legal issues that may arise during the examination.

    After you file your application, it takes about seven months for an examiner at the Trademark Office to review it and determine if your mark qualifies for registration. If the examiner determines that your mark meets the requirements, the Trademark Office publishes the trademark in the Official Gazette, an online publication, stating that it is a candidate for registration. This provides existing trademark owners and other parties with a commercial interest in the application an opportunity to object to the registration. If there is an objection, the Trademark Office will schedule a hearing to resolve the dispute. If no objections are raised, you should receive a response from the Trademark Office within a year.

    If the examiner determines that your mark does not qualify for registration, you will receive an Office Action explaining the reasons for the objection. You will have three months from the date of the Office Action to respond and address the examiner’s objections.