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How do I register a trademark, and who’s the examining attorney?

  • How do I register a trademark, and who’s the examining attorney?

    The process of obtaining a trademark registration involves several steps. Here is an overview of the process:

    Filing the Application: Start by filing an application with the Trademark office. Once filed, the Trademark Office assigns an attorney to examine the proposed trademark, who’s called the examining attorney. The registration process typically takes around a year under ideal circumstances, but it can take years longer if legal issues arise during the examination.

    Examination: The assigned attorney reviews the application and considers various factors to determine whether it should be approved. These factors include the similarity of existing registered trademarks and the uniqueness of your intended trademark in relation to your product. Marks similar to existing trademarks, and those considered “merely descriptive” or “ornamental,” among other reasons, may face rejection.

    Approval and Registration: If your trademark application is approved by the examiner, not opposed by a third party, and you submit an accepted specimen, you will have successfully completed the final phase of the process. The Trademark Office will issue a Certificate of Registration in due course.