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Why would the examining attorney refuse my registration?

  • Why would the examining attorney refuse my registration?

    A common reason for refusing registration is the likelihood of confusion with a mark that is already registered or has a pending application. When you submit your trademark application, the examining attorney conducts a search in the Trademark Office database to determine if there are any existing marks that could potentially create confusion with your mark. Various factors are taken into account during this process, including the similarity between the marks and the commercial relationship between the goods or services listed in your application and those in an existing registration or pending application. It is not necessary for the marks to be identical, nor for the goods or services to be identical. If there is sufficient similarity between the marks and a connection between the goods or services, it can lead to a likelihood of confusion.

    When you choose to register your trademark through brandme, an attorney with the Firm will represent you and assist in presenting your application in the most favorable manner for evaluation by the Trademark Office.